21 August, 2023
Mashiach Assembly Q&A Ep. 21 TIMESTAMPS 51:18 Is the black church sacrificing??? 1:36:48 is it a sin to eat meat?? 1:45:02 Unc asks what is the Biblical definition of sin? 2:52:10 In Genesis 2:9 it says 'And out of the ground made YAHAYAH to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food. The tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.' So was the tree of life really in the midst of the garden? If so, why do you think YAH put the tree of life in the midst of the garden before sin was brought into the world? 4:54:10 So are we going back to the garden of the new kingdom? 5:10:30Do you think Hurricane Hilary is the beginning of the judgement for California?? How long do you think California has? 5:15:00 Hi Uncle, For those that decide they will not go back to Yah's original plan or as you would say go back to the garden and just stick with the compromised plan will you or can you still be saved? Thanks 5:24:00 would the garden be similar to the Temple: Most Holy Place, Holy Place and Outer Court which is connected to the world. Meaning they went to the world and NOT for knowledge?? 5:25:25Why is Watchmen and Deborah out of order… I know a person who died for bearing false witness against them by calling CPS on them, he died from colon cancer. 5:41:00 Have you heard of the recent cases of leprosy happening again over at Flordia? 5:43:20When did YAHuah say the first covenant was done away with? 5:46:15 is awkwardness a ruach/spirit? And if so I feel like it’s similar to the ruach of perversion! That’s why YAH said it’s not good for a man to be alone! I’m feeling like the ruach is telling me to rebuke the ruach of awkwardness because it’s not YAHS will and that’s not how he created me to be. 5:57:00What are evil alters??? 6:02:35 unc, doyou believe unfortunate events and circumstances happen to people like people being denied at their jobs, being despised by others not for YAH sake, but just for no particular reason. ***Stems from witchcraft as well as the spirit of rejection, stagnation, limitation, setback, misfortune, carelessness, clumsiness etc.? TIMESTAMPS COMPLETE Praise YAH, thanks for joining us tonight! We invite to our next week Q&A at 8p every Sunday!!! If you have any questions feel free to comment down below or email unc directly (his email will be down below). ShalaYAHm and ALL GLORY BE TO YAH! ARE BLACK CHURCHES SACRIFICING THE? Q&A finally someone willing to answer all your questions.