6 November, 2023

⏳❓Questions and Time Stamps❓⏳ 30:40 OtsarYAH​: Can you differentiate between Serpent Seed, Neanderthals (European) and Denisovans (Asian) Do you consider them to be one in the same?
 Q1: YAHnell Richardson​-  We should stay within our bloodline correct? Or does it go by if you're truly serving Yah or not?
 Time Stamp: 2:56:50

Q2: ANaYAH ABaYAH YAHada YAHsharal​- So basically you're sayin, you can marry anyone who worships YAH in spirit and truth, so long as they are not from one of the 7 nations YAH Forbade right? Is this correct?
 Time Stamp: 3:16:31

Q3: YAHdan YAHadan- Unc, is it lawful to get a Colonic/Colon Hydrotherapy?
 Time Stamp: 3:17:55

Q4: MalkaYAH I do want to clarify a few things, though, in regards to my question about our prayers being like our new spiritual incense and the spiritual sacrifices that we offer to Yah is us fasting, since our bodies are our new temple.

Scripture References: Revelation 8:2-4, 1 Peter 2:5
 Time Stamp: 3:24:52

Q5:Israelite Princess: Shalom how do you break ties with close people from your life that are full of slander and toxicity?
 Time Stamp: 3:43:13

Q6: YAHmala- My question is, is there a difference between fasting and cleansing? I think both are necessary because of what you brought out about the food poisoning.
 Time Stamp: 3:52:07

Q7: ANaYAH ABaYAH YAHada YAHsharal- Was Ha’shatan in physical form or was he trying to get MashaYAHk through his mind, with thoughts and hallucination?
 Time Stamp: 3:55:00

Q8: Daughter of Yah MashaYah Yahvana​- Is it idolatry if I can some of my grandmother's belongings in my room?
 Time Stamp: 3:58:22

Q9: KeviLynnYAHs- Is creamation appropriate?
 Time Stamp: 4:00:30

Q10: Daughter of Yah MashaYah Yahvana​- but aren't we all mixed in with every nation now physically?
 Time Stamp: 4:05:43

Q11: Daughter of Yah MashaYah Yahvana - do u think the Israelites are misinterpreting the scripture Tobit 4:12 'Take a seed of the thou father.'
 Time Stamp: 4:06:24

Q12: Janell Richardson Q: ​but what about the covenant from Abraham to Issac to Jacob to the 12 sons?
 Time Stamp: 4:16:40

Q13: ANaYAH ABaYAH YAHada YAHsharal- What if someone of the 7 nations worshiped YAH in spirit and in truth? Are they then grafted in? Or still forbidden?
 Time Stamp: 4:24:12

Q14: YAH'S Chosen​- We can't mix with the Canaanites is it because Canaan was cursed by his grandpa and YAH didn't want YAHasha coming from a cursed race?
 Time Stamp: 4:28:16

Q15: YAHnell Richardson- ​so if the cursed nations today served Yah, are they still cursed?
 Time Stamp: 4:31:41

Q16: Linda Lewellen- Was covid prophesied in the bible?
 Time Stamp: 4:33:31

Q17: YAHvad (Servant of YAH)- ShalaYAHm Unc! I have a question, could you explain why YAHkab wrestled with YAH?
 Time Stamp: 4:44:05