“Welcome to Just a Word! Here at Just a Word, we diligently strive to go back to the faith once delivered to the saints, and to relentlessly contend for that faith.”


Curator's note

Once you have gleaned enough from these videos, the next step would be to fellowship with a righteous and in-order house of YAH, so that you can be helped, guided, and ministered to along the way. 
I highly recommend you visit Mashiach's AssemblyZoom Bible study sessions every Tuesday at 8 pm CET.   Live Youtube Q&A sessions every Sunday at 8 pm CET.
These are a random selection of videos that you are able to save in case the channel gets taken off of Youtube and for edification.

I change the lineup regularly, to save space on my server. I’ve not watched all of these, as I’m just trying to keep an archive available.

If you like the content, please visit the author’s Youtube channel or website and support them if you can.

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A Famine Of The Word The Days Of Sorrow Coming Soon
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Ahayah Vs Yahuah Which Name Should We Use Conclusive Biblical Proof
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All Things Were Made By Him What Does This Mean In The Beginning Was The Word Part 2
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have you been sent a strong delusion causing you to believe a lie
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Hebrew Israelite Errors Part 2 Water Baptism
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How To Escape The Darkness On The Earth The Book Of Life Or Worship The Beast
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In The Beginning Was The Word Part 1 What Does John 1 Really Mean
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is this really love the true meaning of love its implications for us
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is this the image of the beast
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Is Water Baptism Necessary
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Is Yahusha Yahuah Is Jesus God Proof From The Book Of Revelations
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Is Yahusha Yahuah A Deeper Look Into The Father The Son Ruach Haqadosh
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Justification By Works Or By Faith Letter Of The Law Vs Spirit Of The Law 2
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Many Are Called Who Will Be Chosen
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Mind Control And The Mark Of The Beast
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the black horse the fall of edom and babylon the deliverance of jacobs children
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The Day Of Yahuah Aka The Day Of The Lord Kjv
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The End Time Battle Of Esau Vs Jacob
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the relationship between yahusha and the ruach of the father
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The Spirit Of The Law Vs The Letter Life Or Death
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true worship vs worship of the beast his image
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Understanding The Beast System How To Spiritually Overcome It
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When Does The Sabbath Begin And End
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Who Are Esaus Descendants Today How Job 924 Reveals Them To Us
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Who Are The Edomites Today Where Are The Descendants Of Esau Today
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Why Keep The Passover Easter Vs Passover And Feast Of Unleavened Bread
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Why We 100 Must Be Baptized This Is He That Came By Water Blood

These are a selection of videos that I found especially interesting.

If you like the content, please visit the author’s Youtube channel or website and support them if you can.

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A Famine Of The Word The Days Of Sorrow Coming Soon
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Ahayah Vs Yahuah Which Name Should We Use Conclusive Biblical Proof
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All Things Were Made By Him What Does This Mean In The Beginning Was The Word Part 2
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Hebrew Israelite Errors Part 2 Water Baptism
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How To Escape The Darkness On The Earth The Book Of Life Or Worship The Beast
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In The Beginning Was The Word Part 1 What Does John 1 Really Mean
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Is Water Baptism Necessary
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Is Yahusha Yahuah Is Jesus God Proof From The Book Of Revelations
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Is Yahusha Yahuah A Deeper Look Into The Father The Son Ruach Haqadosh
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Justification By Works Or By Faith Letter Of The Law Vs Spirit Of The Law 2
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Many Are Called Who Will Be Chosen
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Mind Control And The Mark Of The Beast
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The Day Of Yahuah Aka The Day Of The Lord Kjv
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The End Time Battle Of Esau Vs Jacob
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The Spirit Of The Law Vs The Letter Life Or Death
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true worship vs worship of the beast his image
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Understanding The Beast System How To Spiritually Overcome It
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When Does The Sabbath Begin And End
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Who Are Esaus Descendants Today How Job 924 Reveals Them To Us
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Who Are The Edomites Today Where Are The Descendants Of Esau Today
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Why Keep The Passover Easter Vs Passover And Feast Of Unleavened Bread
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Why We 100 Must Be Baptized This Is He That Came By Water Blood