“This site serves as a learning tool to help the masses understand the mysteries of the Bible and its TRUE meaning in these last days. We exalt the Most High God who sent Moses to deliver the Israelites from oppression and sent his Dear Son “The Anointed Messiah” to free us from the curse , and we do believe the Savior will save us in these Last Days which the Bible calls “Jacob’s Trouble”.”


Curator's note

Once you have gleaned enough from these videos, the next step would be to fellowship with a righteous and in-order house of YAH, so that you can be helped, guided, and ministered to along the way. 
I highly recommend you visit Mashiach's AssemblyZoom Bible study sessions every Tuesday at 8 pm CET.   Live Youtube Q&A sessions every Sunday at 8 pm CET.
These are a random selection of videos that you are able to save in case the channel gets taken off of Youtube and for edification.

I change the lineup regularly, to save space on my server. I’ve not watched all of these, as I’m just trying to keep an archive available.

If you like the content, please visit the author’s Youtube channel or website and support them if you can.

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As In The Days Of Noah
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Christ Is Against Pork Unclean Meats
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Defeating The Shadow Of Death
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Dispelling The Black Israelite Myths And A Christian Discussion With Israelites
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gocc fit - all things zinc
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gocc fitt - all things vitamin d
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Gocc Sabbath - What Laws Can We Follow
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Gocc The Kingdom Is For The Remnant
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Gocc The Truth About Easter And The Agape Deception
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Prepare To Grow Your Own Food
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satanic confusion before the 666 order - patreon update
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setting their nest amongst the stars
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slaying the obesity demon
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society divided nation against nation
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Spiritual Warfare Waged By The Merchants
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The Anti-christ Bio Weapon
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The Babylonian Priesthood Within Modern Medicine And Religion
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The Kingdom Is Within You
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The Kingdom Within You Pt 2
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The Plan Against Judah
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the power of humility
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We Are The People - The Truth Can No Longer Be Hid

These are a selection of videos that I found especially interesting.

If you like the content, please visit the author’s Youtube channel or website and support them if you can.

Video Thumbnail
As In The Days Of Noah
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Christ Is Against Pork Unclean Meats
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Defeating The Shadow Of Death
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Dispelling The Black Israelite Myths And A Christian Discussion With Israelites
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Gocc Sabbath - What Laws Can We Follow
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Gocc The Kingdom Is For The Remnant
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Gocc The Truth About Easter And The Agape Deception
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Prepare To Grow Your Own Food
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Spiritual Warfare Waged By The Merchants
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The Anti-christ Bio Weapon
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The Babylonian Priesthood Within Modern Medicine And Religion
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The Kingdom Is Within You
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The Kingdom Within You Pt 2
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The Plan Against Judah
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We Are The People - The Truth Can No Longer Be Hid