“As The Most High broke the bondage of mental chains that plagued my mind, I was then free to re-discover, un-learn and re-learn His Word and purpose without religious restriction, bigotry or denominational dogma.  As I delved deeper into the Word, which appears to me as a continuous fresh fountain of life, I gradually became disillusioned by the undercurrents of “Christianity” (chiefly), it’s culture and ethos that is heavily infused with Eurocentric ideals of righteousness and the major cover-up of historical Israel.”  


Curator's note

Once you have gleaned enough from these videos, the next step would be to fellowship with a righteous and in-order house of YAH, so that you can be helped, guided, and ministered to along the way. 
I highly recommend you visit Mashiach's AssemblyZoom Bible study sessions every Tuesday at 8 pm CET.   Live Youtube Q&A sessions every Sunday at 8 pm CET.
These are a random selection of videos that you are able to save in case the channel gets taken off of Youtube and for edification.

I change the lineup regularly, to save space on my server. I’ve not watched all of these, as I’m just trying to keep an archive available.

If you like the content, please visit the author’s Youtube channel or website and support them if you can.

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19 keys exposed a new generation
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1944 state murder of george stinney by sitting on bible lestweforget
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1945 the electrocution of lena baker 75 years ago lestweforget
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1946 willie francis 16 year old executed twice lestweforget
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1948-2018 windrush generation uk scandal provokingthought
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1949 the grove land four falsely accused and executed lestweforget
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1950s hebrew nurses who saved the nhs provokingthought
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1952-1956 kenyas mau mau awakening from british tyranny lestweforget
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1956 fbi cointelpro operation the rise of the black messiah lestweforget
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1959 arkansas secret black teen holocaust 60 years ago lestweforget
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1961 the us usa belgium assassination of congo prime minister patrice lumumba lestweforget
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After Thoughts - The Marine Kingdom
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Black Lives Matter The Untold Story Of Black Movements
Video Thumbnail
Canaanite Bibles And Freemasonry Codes
Video Thumbnail
Corona Predictions You Missed Remember Tuskegee
Video Thumbnail
Esau Canaanites Exposed They Lied To Us
Video Thumbnail
Esau Order Of The Dragon Who Is Edom - Make It Plain
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Esau The End Of The World Engineered Or Organic
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Esau-canaan Migration History Rites Exposed
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Esau-cannan-ishmael Unchained Barbary Arabs Negroland
Video Thumbnail
Fema Whistleblower Exposes Mark Of The Beast System Vaccine Nano Technology
Video Thumbnail
G7 Central Banking Digital Currency Progress To Replace Fiat
Video Thumbnail
Generation Z - Surviving Spiritual Warfare
Video Thumbnail
Genesis In The Beginning What We Missed
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Health And Wellness Feat Special Guest
Video Thumbnail
Health Experts Vs Yahs Word Was Daniel A Vegeterian
Video Thumbnail
Hidden Hebrews The Dark Ages Banishment Lestweforget
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Im An Israelite - Lets Prove It
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Im An Israelite Lets Prove It
Video Thumbnail
It Is Deeper Than We Think Invisible Warfare
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King Solomons Mine Where Is Eden Wakanda Land Of Canaan
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Leviticus Clean And Unclean Meat Or Give Thanks And Eat
Video Thumbnail
Magic The New Normal Antarctica Strange Names
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Marine Kingdom Under The Radar
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Neanderthals Dna Variance And Aboriginals
Video Thumbnail
Neanderthals Dna Surge
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Part 1 Marine Kingdom Rbc
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Part 1 The Sons Of Noah Ham Shem And Japheth Bible Study
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Part 13 We Are Gentiles - Jesus Yahshua Was Not
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Part 14 - Does Yah Have An Image For His People
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Part 2 The Marine Kingdom Rbc
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Part 34 Womanhood Of Yahsharal Repairing The Image Of Yah
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Part 44 Manhood Of Yahsharal Restoring Yahs Image
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Part 56 Book Of Jubilees - The Days Of Noah An Earth Divided
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Playing God The First Global Reset Happened Why
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Pope On Ukraine In The Name Of God Stop This Massacre Meanwhile Cbdc
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Resident Edom Rome Predictive Programming
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Roman To European Elite Breakdown Banking Popes Etc
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Sirens Marine Kingdom In Scripture
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Sons Of Noah Ham Shem Japtheth Re-edit
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stirred up power of words
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The Arch Angel Who Led A Rebellion As In The Days Of Noah
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The Book Of Jasher Esau And Nimrod Leah And Rachael Birthright More To The Story
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The Canaan Baal Who Are The Canaanites What Role Do They Play
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The Canaanite Revelation Dont Get Triggered
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The Curse Of Canaan Palestine
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The Days Of Noah - The Marine Kingdom Mermaid Myths
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The Fallout Israel And Egypt Vs Esau And Ishmael
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The God Of Technology - Ancient Artificial Intelligence Myths And Legend
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The Marine Kingdom Deep Sea Research Strange Love
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The Marine Kingdom Out Of The Blue Deep State
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The Marine Kingdom Repost
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The Mind Of The Unrighteous Vs Righteous - Wisdom Of Solomon
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The United Kingdom Of White Washed History Scottish English Nobility By Sir John Mackay
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understanding words king solomon identified how
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wait what are unicorns doing in my bible
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Wake Up Yahudah Leave The Witchcraft Who Is Canaan
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We Are The Canaanites
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Who Are The Real Chosen People
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World Facing Food Shortage Catastrophe Warns Un Chief

These are a selection of videos that I found especially interesting.

If you like the content, please visit the author’s Youtube channel or website and support them if you can.

Video Thumbnail
After Thoughts - The Marine Kingdom
Video Thumbnail
Black Lives Matter The Untold Story Of Black Movements
Video Thumbnail
Canaanite Bibles And Freemasonry Codes
Video Thumbnail
Corona Predictions You Missed Remember Tuskegee
Video Thumbnail
Esau Canaanites Exposed They Lied To Us
Video Thumbnail
Esau Order Of The Dragon Who Is Edom - Make It Plain
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Esau The End Of The World Engineered Or Organic
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Esau-canaan Migration History Rites Exposed
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Esau-cannan-ishmael Unchained Barbary Arabs Negroland
Video Thumbnail
Fema Whistleblower Exposes Mark Of The Beast System Vaccine Nano Technology
Video Thumbnail
G7 Central Banking Digital Currency Progress To Replace Fiat
Video Thumbnail
Generation Z - Surviving Spiritual Warfare
Video Thumbnail
Genesis In The Beginning What We Missed
Video Thumbnail
Health And Wellness Feat Special Guest
Video Thumbnail
Health Experts Vs Yahs Word Was Daniel A Vegeterian
Video Thumbnail
Hidden Hebrews The Dark Ages Banishment Lestweforget
Video Thumbnail
Im An Israelite - Lets Prove It
Video Thumbnail
Im An Israelite Lets Prove It
Video Thumbnail
It Is Deeper Than We Think Invisible Warfare
Video Thumbnail
King Solomons Mine Where Is Eden Wakanda Land Of Canaan
Video Thumbnail
Leviticus Clean And Unclean Meat Or Give Thanks And Eat
Video Thumbnail
Magic The New Normal Antarctica Strange Names
Video Thumbnail
Marine Kingdom Under The Radar
Video Thumbnail
Neanderthals Dna Variance And Aboriginals
Video Thumbnail
Neanderthals Dna Surge
Video Thumbnail
Part 1 Marine Kingdom Rbc
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Part 1 The Sons Of Noah Ham Shem And Japheth Bible Study
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Part 13 We Are Gentiles - Jesus Yahshua Was Not
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Part 14 - Does Yah Have An Image For His People
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Part 2 The Marine Kingdom Rbc
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Part 34 Womanhood Of Yahsharal Repairing The Image Of Yah
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Part 44 Manhood Of Yahsharal Restoring Yahs Image
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Part 56 Book Of Jubilees - The Days Of Noah An Earth Divided
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Playing God The First Global Reset Happened Why
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Pope On Ukraine In The Name Of God Stop This Massacre Meanwhile Cbdc
Video Thumbnail
Resident Edom Rome Predictive Programming
Video Thumbnail
Roman To European Elite Breakdown Banking Popes Etc
Video Thumbnail
Sirens Marine Kingdom In Scripture
Video Thumbnail
Sons Of Noah Ham Shem Japtheth Re-edit
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The Arch Angel Who Led A Rebellion As In The Days Of Noah
Video Thumbnail
The Book Of Jasher Esau And Nimrod Leah And Rachael Birthright More To The Story
Video Thumbnail
The Canaan Baal Who Are The Canaanites What Role Do They Play
Video Thumbnail
The Canaanite Revelation Dont Get Triggered
Video Thumbnail
The Curse Of Canaan Palestine
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The Days Of Noah - The Marine Kingdom Mermaid Myths
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The Fallout Israel And Egypt Vs Esau And Ishmael
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The God Of Technology - Ancient Artificial Intelligence Myths And Legend
Video Thumbnail
The Marine Kingdom Deep Sea Research Strange Love
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The Marine Kingdom Out Of The Blue Deep State
Video Thumbnail
The Marine Kingdom Repost
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The Mind Of The Unrighteous Vs Righteous - Wisdom Of Solomon
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The United Kingdom Of White Washed History Scottish English Nobility By Sir John Mackay
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wait what are unicorns doing in my bible
Video Thumbnail
Wake Up Yahudah Leave The Witchcraft Who Is Canaan
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We Are The Canaanites
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Who Are The Real Chosen People
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World Facing Food Shortage Catastrophe Warns Un Chief