Isaiah 1:3NKJV: The ox knows its owner And the donkey its master’s crib; But Israel does not know, My people do not consider.”

Some of these videos below had me look at things from a more scriptural and historical standpoint. Re-learning history carefully and seeing how it lined up. Looking at what was edited and hidden.

Who are the people talked about in the scriptures? Where are the scattered tribes today? Do the scriptures line up? Do the scriptures tell a different story to the stories mainstream Christianity has been pushing?



Deuteronomy 32:7KJV: Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee.

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2019 And The 400 Year Prophecy Is This Our Second Exodus
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400 Years And Counting Countdown To The Return Of Christ
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400 Years Sentence Served
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Black People Stop It The Bible Is Not Your History Book-5
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Curses Blood Of Mashiach Music Video
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Deuteronomy 28 Play This For Any Unbeliever The Blessings And The Curses Pt 1 Mashiachs Assembly-9
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God Is Not Black So Stop It If He Is Black Then Yall Prove It-12
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Hidden Identity By Drawback Jacob
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Is The Bible An Israelite Book
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Judah Its Almost Time To Go
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Negro Land
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Persecution Of True Israel
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Plagues Of Egypt Are Here
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Spiritual Warfare Ep 1 Exposing Strongholds Part 1 Breaking Curses Mashiach Assembly Ministries-22
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Teotw Ministries 400 Years Of Judgement The Fall Of America Epic Israelite Builds Ep 04
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The Blessings Curses Of The Israelites
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The Curses Broken Down Like Youve Never Heard It Before Are The Curses A Lie What God Do You Serve-23
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The Waking Up
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Uncle Yahshuah Presents Curses The Official Movie
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Who Are We