waking up

Romans 12:2NKJV: And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.


These are a collection of some of the videos that helped me make some kind of sense of what was happening at the time. 

After watching some of these videos, of what was happening in the world, I then started to connect the dots with scriptures. and history.


Instead of instilling fear and chaos, these videos renewed the vigour in my search for the truth and the links between my awakening, scriptures, and my walk.

For many, including myself, this could be the last chance to connect with The Most High, before it is too late.  



Luke 21:36NKJV: Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

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25 Questions To Help Wake Up Family And Friends
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400 Years Awaken Restore Prepare
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911 Decade Of Deception Full Film New 2015
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Alex Jones Interviews Aaron Russo Full Length
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Arizona Wilder - Etmsotb
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Breaking The Cycle Of Fear To Thrive In 2021
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Christopher Bollyn Solving 9-11 The Deception That Changed The World
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Christopher Bollyn Who Really Did 9 11
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David Icke And Brian Rose
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David Icke On Free Speech Who Controls The World
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David Icke Tells All
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Dr John Campbells Awakening The End Of Evidence Based Medicine
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Event 201 Pandemic Exercise Segment 1 Mcm Discussion 2019
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G7 Central Banking Digital Currency Progress To Replace Fiat
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Horrific Findings In The Blood Of The Vaccinated
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Indigenous Protections Covid Vaccine Dont Take It
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The Corona Jab Serum Its Effects On Human Dna Brain Hacking Are You Ready To Blow Your Mind
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Ukraine On Fire
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Unrepentant Kevin Annett And Canadas Native Peoples Genocide 1 Of 1 Full
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What On Earth Happened Full Documentary - 8 Hours Re-upload



Proverbs 1:7NKJV: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction.

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100 Proof We Are In The End Times
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A Quick Warning Theyve Officially Signaled In The New World Order
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Black Lives Matter
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I Am Not Afraid Of The Corona Virus Tht In 10 Min
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If You Want To Understand The Bible Watch This Video
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Jehovahs Witnesses For The New World Order
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New World Order In America
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Order Out Of Chaos The New World Order
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Rome Amun Egypt Switzerland Tyre Venice Black Nobility Jesuits More
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Top Of The Pyramid
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Uncle Yahshuah Presents Curses The Official Movie
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Understanding End Times Bible Prophecy
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We Are At The Door Of A New World Order Do You Know What That Is
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Who Are We
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Your Soul Is Owned By The Vatican - Santos Bonacci