“I am a Minister and Servant of the Most High Yah! an Ahk and Protector of The Lost Sheep of the House of Yahsharal. Sent to bring Salvation through Ha Mashiach to Yahudiym and Gentile!

Bringing you informative content in Health, Education Finances, Fitness and all matters of life through the WORD! To help educate, enlighten and build one another up…. Spreading the truth of the Most High to the 4 corners of the planet earth! “


Curator's note

Once you have gleaned enough from these videos, the next step would be to fellowship with a righteous and in-order house of YAH, so that you can be helped, guided, and ministered to along the way. 
I highly recommend you visit Mashiach's AssemblyZoom Bible study sessions every Tuesday at 8 pm CET.   Live Youtube Q&A sessions every Sunday at 8 pm CET.
These are a random selection of videos that you are able to save in case the channel gets taken off of Youtube and for edification.

I change the lineup regularly, to save space on my server. I’ve not watched all of these, as I’m just trying to keep an archive available.

If you like the content, please visit the author’s Youtube channel or website and support them if you can.

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100 Proof Every Nation Will Suffer For What They Did To Us In Slaver-1
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20 scriptural secrets of the name of god revealed causing (beginners advanced) god yah jesus
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30 Spiritual Warfare Scriptures Shemite Reading Kjv-2
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adam eve steve fastmashiach assembly shabbat bible study live 8pm
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africa or america ask uncle yahshuah podcast radio show -ep.16
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african americans hidden secret revealed dark message generational curses exposed
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african spirituality is demonic exposed ancestor worship this is not our culture ask uncle yahshua
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africans say they will enslave black people again the truth exposed fba african americans listen up
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Africans The Ukraine Ados What Does The Bible Tell You To Do You Will Be Shocked Quam Yahsharal
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ai wives mashiach assembly shabbat bible study (uncle yahshua) yah yahusha
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anal worship days of noah repeated
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are black churches doing sacrifices ask uncle yahshuah podcast radio show -ep.21
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are demons transferred in the bedroom ask uncle yahshuah podcast radio show -ep.22
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are fringes wicked are tzitzits cursed expose it all ask uncle yahshuah trigger alert
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are the projects our con-centration camps j3w1sh man says slavery in america was not
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are they eating people live 8pmask uncle yahshuah podcast radio show -ep.20
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babylon walking through the valley of deth our parents said do what i say not what i do biblical
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Beware The Awakening Is Full Of Lies And Deceit Yah Didnt Call These Hebrew Israelites To Teach
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black men are now lil babys not kings
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Black People Stop It The Bible Is Not Your History Book-5
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black women birthed the white woman the beast seed jesus our mashiach the eve gene lets go
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breaking peter rosenberg says im j3w1sh forget the torah i love pork f kyrie and ye we on code
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breaking soul tiesmashiach assembly shabbat bible study live 8pm
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can men have long hair kualayah asks- play this video to all men cant have long hair fans
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can these israelites use curseprofane words is it ok in the bible yah yahusha
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can we eat sea mossthe slave ship dropped me off in haitilive streamfornication i need help
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child marriage (god) lies the expose god jesus
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china says black people will use their chinese bible or else wake up yahsharal unc breaks it down
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christmas over 17 demons being celebrated breakdown for your family is christmas ok ask unc
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Christmas Unmasked 2023 Exposed Whitehouse Hidden History Practices The Grinch Is Whatttt
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Curses Blood Of Mashiach Music Video
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daletdoor- sorry for the audio in this video.. devils were attacking this powerful lesson
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demon time 4 children how it started
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Demons Headwraps Protection From The Watchers
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Demons The Fallen Angels And The Watchers What Are They And How To Protect Yourself-8
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demons vs tsabaothswhat is deja vu the matrix pt 2revealed yah yahusha exposed
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Deuteronomy 28 Play This For Any Unbeliever The Blessings And The Curses Pt 1 Mashiachs Assembly-9
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did eve have sex with satan is unc trippin trigger alert lets go the forbidden fruit
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did the most high allow this ask uncle yahshuah podcast radio show -ep.19
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divine discussions qa-ep38 your life questions our spiritual answers ask unc yahshuah
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do the nations have to pay for what theyve done to usask uncle yahshuah podcast -ep.30
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Do We Have To Be Baptised To Make It Into The Kingdom Was I Baptised Correctly What About Grace
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doctor said i cant do this its inhumane yah showed out in the surgery room
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Edomites Dont Touch Our Women Esau Exposed
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everybody has the wrong feast days when is the sabbath day exposed foolishness ask uncle yahshuah
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flee doctrine - shall i flee babylon
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Flesh And Blood Are Morehs Leaders
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forget cern these portals no one is talking about slight of hand roe v wade ask uncle yahshuah
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God Is Not Black So Stop It If He Is Black Then Yall Prove It-12
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God Is Not Your Daddy Chrsitans Brews Stop Calling Him Daddy Put Some Respect On His Name
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he says we will become mashiach assembly shabbat bible study (uncle yahshua) yah yahusha
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Holy Bible Verses For Rest Scripture Readings To Cover Your Soul-13
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how do i receive my israelite nameis it 12hrs in a day ask uncle yahshuah podcast -ep.26
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how do we get to the wilderness
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how to celebrate birthdays
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i am legion casting out demonsmashiach assembly shabbat bible study live 8pm
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if you live in america you will not make it into the kingdom of god wth thoughts camera action
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Is Jesus A Demon I Called On The Name Am I Going To Hell I Called On Jesus Name Am I Going To Hell-16
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is satan the son of god ask uncle yahshuah podcast -ep.29
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Is Yah The True Name Of God What Is His Name How Do I Know What To Call Him Uncle Please Help
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Jesus Is Gonna Spit You Out His Mouth Pick A Side Get Down Or Lay Down-17
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lets go shabbat bible study breakdown mashiach assemblylive 8pm uncle yahshuah
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mashiach assembly shabbat bible study live 8pm
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No White People In The Kingdom Do I Hate Esau Do Gentiles Get Salvation Only The Natural Branch
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Pastor Kelly Thoughts Camera Action Unc Yahshuah Explains Shine Video Is Chicken Clean Video
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Shema Israel Anthem 2019 Shema Yisrael Hebrew Israelite Music Video-20
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So You Dont Believe We Are The People Of The Book Bring It Out Lets Go-21
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Spiritual Warfare Ep 1 Exposing Strongholds Part 1 Breaking Curses Mashiach Assembly Ministries-22
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Thanksgiving With My Family Is It Ok Ask Uncle Yahshuah
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The Curses Broken Down Like Youve Never Heard It Before Are The Curses A Lie What God Do You Serve-23
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The Demons Suicide - Addiction Anxiety Never Go Away Spiritual Warfare - How To Fight
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the flee doctrine explained stop sit down and listen bible study (12)
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The Flee Doctrine Exposed Stop Sit Down And Listen Bible Study-24
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The Holy Spirit Is Not Jezebel The Trinity Demonic Doctrine Exposed All Christian And Camp Lies
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The Most Powerful Lesson You Might Ever Hear Broken Down Mashiachs Assembly
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they lay with lucifers seed they set their beds in the pit dl hughley charles barkley they align (2)
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they said thoughts camera action closed down his page on purpose for money 4c hair lie broken down
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U Cant Bypass Torah Because Your Popular Yahs Structure Stands Forever Bible Study 10-2021 Pt 1-27
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Uncle Yahshuah Presents Curses The Official Movie
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Why God Cursed The Black Womans Head-29
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Yah Is A Demon Gocc Elder Rawchaa Please Stop Dividing The Nation-31

These are a selection of videos that I found especially interesting.

If you like the content, please visit the author’s Youtube channel or website and support them if you can.

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100 Proof Every Nation Will Suffer For What They Did To Us In Slaver-1
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20 scriptural secrets of the name of god revealed causing (beginners advanced) god yah jesus
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30 Spiritual Warfare Scriptures Shemite Reading Kjv-2
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Africans The Ukraine Ados What Does The Bible Tell You To Do You Will Be Shocked Quam Yahsharal
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Beware The Awakening Is Full Of Lies And Deceit Yah Didnt Call These Hebrew Israelites To Teach
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Black People Stop It The Bible Is Not Your History Book-5
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Christmas Unmasked 2023 Exposed Whitehouse Hidden History Practices The Grinch Is Whatttt
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Curses Blood Of Mashiach Music Video
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Demons Headwraps Protection From The Watchers
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Demons The Fallen Angels And The Watchers What Are They And How To Protect Yourself-8
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Deuteronomy 28 Play This For Any Unbeliever The Blessings And The Curses Pt 1 Mashiachs Assembly-9
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Do We Have To Be Baptised To Make It Into The Kingdom Was I Baptised Correctly What About Grace
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Edomites Dont Touch Our Women Esau Exposed
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Flesh And Blood Are Morehs Leaders
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God Is Not Black So Stop It If He Is Black Then Yall Prove It-12
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God Is Not Your Daddy Chrsitans Brews Stop Calling Him Daddy Put Some Respect On His Name
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Holy Bible Verses For Rest Scripture Readings To Cover Your Soul-13
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Is Jesus A Demon I Called On The Name Am I Going To Hell I Called On Jesus Name Am I Going To Hell-16
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is satan the son of god ask uncle yahshuah podcast -ep.29
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Is Yah The True Name Of God What Is His Name How Do I Know What To Call Him Uncle Please Help
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Jesus Is Gonna Spit You Out His Mouth Pick A Side Get Down Or Lay Down-17
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No White People In The Kingdom Do I Hate Esau Do Gentiles Get Salvation Only The Natural Branch
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Pastor Kelly Thoughts Camera Action Unc Yahshuah Explains Shine Video Is Chicken Clean Video
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Shema Israel Anthem 2019 Shema Yisrael Hebrew Israelite Music Video-20
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So You Dont Believe We Are The People Of The Book Bring It Out Lets Go-21
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Spiritual Warfare Ep 1 Exposing Strongholds Part 1 Breaking Curses Mashiach Assembly Ministries-22
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Thanksgiving With My Family Is It Ok Ask Uncle Yahshuah
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The Curses Broken Down Like Youve Never Heard It Before Are The Curses A Lie What God Do You Serve-23
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The Demons Suicide - Addiction Anxiety Never Go Away Spiritual Warfare - How To Fight
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the flee doctrine explained stop sit down and listen bible study (12)
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The Flee Doctrine Exposed Stop Sit Down And Listen Bible Study-24
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The Holy Spirit Is Not Jezebel The Trinity Demonic Doctrine Exposed All Christian And Camp Lies
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The Most Powerful Lesson You Might Ever Hear Broken Down Mashiachs Assembly
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U Cant Bypass Torah Because Your Popular Yahs Structure Stands Forever Bible Study 10-2021 Pt 1-27
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Uncle Yahshuah Presents Curses The Official Movie
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Why God Cursed The Black Womans Head-29
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Yah Is A Demon Gocc Elder Rawchaa Please Stop Dividing The Nation-31