Can Blacks MARRY Whites? According to GOD? Ask Unc PODCAST -EP.31

30 October, 2023

 Mashiach Assembly Q&A Ep. 31 TIMESTAMPS 39:33 Explaining the serpent seed
49:00 Can fallen Angels shape shift?
50:00 How did the daughters of men know those were the fallen angels since they looked like men???

1:06:30 Ham, Shem, Japheth breakdown.

Scriptures: Genesis 9:18, Enoch Book 3 Chapter 1

2:14:15 Can a Israelite marry a Non-Israelite???


Hebrews 12:14

1 Kings 19:10

Psalm 69:22

Numbers 12:1

Numbers 36:1

Genesis 10:6

Genesis 9:18-27

Genesis 6:4

Genesis 10:15

Deuteronomy 7:1

3:54:00 What are the 7 nations not to sleep with?

4:26:25 Honoring our Sisters + Story of serial killer Bad Henry

5:04:00 Story of John Brown

5:17:32 Can you explain what YAHusha meant when he said when heaven and earth pass? When we make it to heaven and it passes away, what would happen to us?

5:26:29So is the diet a DalaYAHt?

5:28:35 Unc, are our prayers our new incense that we bring to YAH, and isn’t our prayer life also our new alters and the sacrifices we bring to those said alters are our fast?

5:32:43 Should our prayers end by saying “in YAHAYAH name” or by saying “in the name of YAHahYashah who comes in the name of YAHAYAH”? I ask because we know that YAHAYAH is the name above all names.

5:35:49 Was it one of our tribes farming these pigs?? Gad??

5:36:46 Maybe when the spirits went into the pigs the legion thought that the pigs may go into the city and the spirits will go into the people.. what do you think???

5:40:00 Unc are the people we call converts in that land who’s been we can’t say converts?? Who converted them? If not,  how did they come by the term converts??

5:49:40 Unc did those unclean spirits die when they entered into the swine???

5:50:40Do spirits die??

5:53:50 Unc, what do you think of brother truthunedited?

5:59:40 Can a person with a hoarder disorder carry a legion of demons??

6:03:59 How does cern creating dark matter relate to the dark tsebaoths?

6:07:25 The watchers didn’t fall they were already here when they transgressed the law. Are they the same Malaks as the fallen?


Praise YAH, thanks for joining us tonight! We invite you to our next week Q&A at 8p every Sunday!!! If you have any questions feel free to comment down below or email unc directly (his email will be down below). ShalaYAHm and ALL GLORY BE TO YAH! 

Uncle YAHshuah email :


Can Black People MARRY White People? What did The MOST HIGH Say?Ask Uncle Yahshuah PODCAST -EP.31