Do I Buy GOLD & SILVER or CRYPTO for the COLLAPSE? Ask Unc Yahshuah PODCAST -EP.35

27 November, 2023

⏳❓Questions and Time Stamps❓⏳
Thumbnail Question: is digital currency bad? Time Stamp: 1:29:29
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Q1: Lindallewellyn- Shalom Unc, quick question. In genesis 4:15, the mark that Yah put upon Cain, is it the same mark you spoke about. If not, please elaboate. Shalom
 Time Stamp: 2:33:26

Q2: YAHdan YAHadan- Unc, do you think that eating flesh and blood causes bad eye sight?
  Time Stamp: 2:39:20

Q3: AmaYAH Yisrael- Shalom Everyone, What is your thought on people being born with a veil over their face, like a extra piece of thin skin like a veil.
  Time Stamp: 2:42:26

Q4: MalkaYAH- Are all Christ-mass/Christmas symbols, fertility symbols? Especially the christmas tree?
  Time Stamp: 2:44:14

Q5: YAHsharalah YAHsharal- I know someone asked this question and you answered before Unc, I apologize I can’t remember. Is praying with our hands together making a pyramid?
  Time Stamp: 2:52:23

Q6: Bernard Tidwell- I’m still wondering what Mark was placed on Cain so men would not kill him?
  Time Stamp: 3:01:25 , 3:19:03

Q7: Something Grand- I thought the serpent put something in Eve and made Cain bad, is this correct?
  Tim Stamp: 3:03:31

Q8: MalkaYAH- When the day of YAH comes to pass, what will happen to those who are younger than 20 who have been forced to take the jim jones jap juice?
  Time Stamp: 3:04:57

Q9: YAHshahYAHah YAHrahmahYAHah- Anything without YAH’s signature is a mark right?
  Time Stamp: 3:18:01

Q10: AvadYAH- How do you say judge in Hebrew? Is that a TsabaYAHth?
  Time Stamp: 3:27:13

Q11: Sarah Price- Shalom Unc, Do people who commit suicide go to hell?
  Time Stamp: 3:31:02