4 September, 2023

TIMESTAMPSMashiach Assembly Q&A Ep. 23
36:47  IS GOD A MAN OR A WOMAN?  I have a question what did Yah mean by let let US make man in our image in Genesis 1: 26. My niece believes that Yah is man and woman. Which I had mentioned it to my husband and he says no that is not so, he was talking to his angels and his son Yahshua. Please give us some understanding if possible

Genesis 1:1-26, Luke 8:9, Luke 8:11, Ecclesiasticus 1:7-9, Ecclesiasticus 1:14-15, Proverbs 3:18-19

2:10:20 YAH is RaYAHk and they that worship him must worship him in RaYAHk and in truth??

3:11:25 IS CASTING LOTS WITCHCRAFT? I always had a question about this. What are casting lots? Are we compromising African spirituality with our true customs of YAHsharal?

Scriptures: Proverbs 16:33, Proverbs 18:18, 1 Samuel 14:42, Jonah 1:7,

3:38:15  The word speaks against witchcraft why are so many accepting new age, chakras, crystals, stones, astral projection, demonic rituals like free masonry, fraternities, sororities, horoscopes, tarot cards, necromancy (familiar spirits) sage burning, divination etc? Barak for your feedback

3:45:15 Unc isn’t the wisdom of Solomon apart of the 1611 KJV Apocrypha, just want to confirm we shouldn’t read that because I read that often.

4:39:38 Can WE purchase scratch offS?

4:41:05 ShalaYAM Unc! When you brought out that revelation about cremation, it made me think of what to with my maternal Grandfather's ashes that my Mother keeps in her room. However, since we don't have enough money to purchase any land, would digging a hole in my backyard and sprinkling the ashes in the hole, saying a prayer over it and covering it suffice? Also I don't want go out of my own way or takes matters into my own hands when doing this as I still live with my parents and at the same time I don't want no ashes much less an idol since my mom has an idol also in her room too that she recieved of my granddad when he was alive and I feel compelled to either break it down into pieces with a hammer or burn that Janus looking idol cuz it looks like the Roman Greek god of new beginnings called Janus where January gets its name from. I'm wondering what your thoughts might be on this Unc.

5:00:35 What would you say to someone who says “sow a seed”

5:08:50 What should we do if we want to have the same last name when getting married?

Is GOD A Man or A Woman? Plus more Questions Answered Tonight 8PMAsk Uncle Yahshuah PODCAST RADIO SHOW -EP.23