29 May, 2023

 ⏰TIMESTAMPS Ep.9 Questions:
26:51 - ▶Question 1: Is money evil❓

41:44 - ▶Question 2: Is it just living water that the marine kingdom can control or any water❓

46:52 - ▶ Uncle Revelation: 'Don't look for no sign from man'

54:12 - ▶Question 3: What if we make covenants unaware? Don’t we now have to denounce the covenant or covenants that we've engaged ourselves to like marine spirits? It begins in the spirit realm and whatever takes place in the Spirit realm will manifest in the physical realm? Help me out Uncle❓

1:02:21 - ▶Question 4: Does every follower of YAH suppose to have their own ministry? Is it okay if we listen to music like country, R&B, 80's & 90's music that talk about love, friendship, and life experiences? In the new Jerusalm (Kingdom) will there be intimacy❓

1:52:59 - ▶Question 5: Can men have the Jezebel spirit❓

1:55:00 - ▶Question 6: What makes one an unprofitable servant like the parable of the talents? Also should your ministry evolve 1,2 or 3 yrs in? Who should we invite to the wedding (I'm speaking of males)❓
 2:12:48 - ▶Context to Question: I am actually referencing when Mashiach says, 'Bid people to the marriage feast.'

2:07:24 - ▶Question 7: Can you explain 1 Timothy 3:16 - 'And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.'❓

2:16:42 - ▶Question 8: Is manifestation unlawful❓

2:20:55 - ▶Question 9: How do we keep the Sabbat Day Holy? Sleep all day? Fast? Invite family? Stay alone? Walk in nature? No fire? Study ...❓

2:26:56 - ▶Question 10: Regarding pickles, I believe it was a process of preserving food for hard times. Would preserving food stuff not approved❓

2:33:08 - ▶Question 11: Can someone be blessed with discernment, but lack the keys to unlocking scripture❓

2:36:54- ▶Question 12: Would it be fair to say that you shouldn't serve money, it should serve you❓

2:39:04- ▶Question 13: Since Mashiach was already casting out devils or dark tsabaoths, wasn't he speaking in the scripture about the tsabaoth of disbelief? Wasn't he saying the ruach of disbelief only comes out through prayer and fasting❓

2:43:56 - ▶Question 14: I remember you saying we should not eat anything from the sea. Should we be using sea salt❓
 2:49:10 - 'Salt' Precept  B:Mark Ch:9 V:50
 2:51:50 - ▶Sub Question: What about when Mashiach gave two loaves of bread, and two fish and fed 5000❓
 3:12:16 - 'Oil & Honey' Precept  B:Isaiah Ch:7 V:14-15

3:02:07 - ▶Question 15: Aren't there other forms of wealth aside from money/mammon anyway both physical and spiritual❓

3:13:18 - ▶Question 16: Can we eat 'Honey'❓

3:14:39 - ▶Question 17: Are carbonated beverages lawful to drink❓

3:16:26 - ▶Question 18: Didn’t Mashiach eat the honeycomb❓

3:20:52 - ▶Question 19: Does YAH awaken people Unc? If so, is our job to guide whom He sends our way to Him❓

3:22:37 - ▶Question 20: When YaH gives us a name how do we find out the purpose of the name so we can walk in it❓

3:23:37 - ▶Question 21: Does shepherding Yahs children necessarily mean to teach or are there other ways to shepherd❓

3:25:37 - ▶Question 22: What does it mean if you live by the sword you die by the sword? Is this talking about the actual sword or the word of YAH❓

3:27:34 - ▶Question 23: Uncle, you've mentioned the importance of sharing your testimony. I would love to share my testimony with you and Maschiach Assembly however it is quite extensive and I don't want to trigger anyone.❓

3:32:12 - ▶Question 24: Would all the scriptures that say 'a land flowing with milk and honey' really be 'a land flowing with oil and honey'❓

3:33:18 - ▶Question 25: Lately I’ve been feeling so limited in what I can do outside of my home. Is the movie theater okay? A lot of people say we shouldn’t go, but I’ve never been told why. Is it just the location❓

3:36:45 - ▶Question 26: So should I stop fishing❓

3:42:13 - ▶Question 27: Could Uncle read B:Luke Ch:24 V:36-43 so I may have understanding❓

3:50:54 - ▶Question 28: If the letter 'A' wasn't in the original language, what is the correct way to say Father (Abba) and Ayahya Asher Ayahya❓

3:55:00 - ▶Question 29: Asking question for a friend or clarity. When I heard the 'kingdom of YAH is in you' and 'the kingdom of YAH is coming,' what does this mean❓
 Link to 'Defiled Temples' lesson:


4:35:59 - ▶Question 30: Is the RaYaCH QaDaSH and the RaYaCH of YaHaYaSHA the same❓
 4:39:07 - ▶Context Verse to Question:  B:Romans Ch:8 V:9
   Additional Verse:  B:Philippians Ch:1 V:19
   Additional Verse:  B:John Ch:14 V:17

4:46:43 - ▶Question 31: Uncle could you do a study on 1 John 5:1-21 soon? It’s my favorite passage, but also one that has been enlightening to me. I always read it to my mom (Elder Ahkatah SamkaYAH)❓

 4:48:11 - Stop taking Questions 

All praises be unto AhBah YAH and HIS NAME ()
#yah #yahusha