The YAH Gene Inside of us! Ask Unc Yahshuah PODCAST -EP.36

4 December, 2023

⏳❓Questions and Time Stamps❓⏳ 36:34 Thumbnail Question: LaraYAH- Why do people say your dads line is all that matters and not your mothers too?
  Q1: MaggYAHalla- Unc, can we warm up the food that we prepare on friday on the ShabbaYAHt day?
  Time Stamp: 3:11:25

Q2: Daughter of Yah MashaYah Yahvana- Is it wrong for a woman/women to correct a man or pastor if they are preaching the Word of Yah with errors according to 1 Timothy 2:12? “But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.”

 2.) What does 1 Timothy 5:1 mean? Dont rebuke a elder?
	“Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren"
  Time Stamp: 3:25:00

Q3: Lindallewellyn- Unc, Im just getting around to seeing this great body of work! (Praise Yah!) My question is, how does the male demon (Succubus) get to make another demon seed; once the male dreamer has ejculated?

 YAHAYAH Willing, will you be able to make videos on history so we can share with family and friends?
  Time Stamp: 3:45:46

Q4: Daughter of Yah MashaYah Yahvana- So does that make Lilith Baal or Babylon
  Time Stamp: 3:53:56

Im my MOTHERS ChildDoes The DADS BLOODLINE Matter?Ask Unc Yahshuah PODCAST -EP.36